Shri Vinayak Sitaram 'Tatya' Sarwate
Born in 1884, Tatya Sarwate was a well known nationalist, freedom fighter and the most highly esteemed political leader of Indore before independence. He was awarded Padma Bhushan in 1966 for his contribution to education and literature. He was also member of Constituent Assembly of India.
Tatya Sarwate was the author of Samajik-Vade, the first analysis of Socialism published in 1919 in the Marathi Language. He was known as the "grand old man" of the Indore Praja Mandal and the "Gandhi of Indore". He led the Satyagraha demonstrations of 1941-47 for constitutional reform of the Holkar Government and he was coopted into the Holkar Cabinet in 1947 as Education Minister. He organized the All India Child Education Conference in 1955, which was presided over by Dr. Zakir Hussain, the third Prime Minister of India.
In 1947, he founded Bal Niketan Sangh along with his daughter, Smt. Shalini 'Tai' Moghe. Together, they initiated the first training center for Pre-Primary school teachers. They also set up various welfare programmes for women and children.
Tatya's Last Words:
Let me share with you the essence of my experiences in life. If you follow the following three, your life will be full of happiness and joy.
- Study everyday, this will sharpen your intellect.
- Be truthful always, even in your businesses. No harm will ever befall someone who is truthful.
- Keep helping the needy.

Smt. Shalini 'Tai' Moghe
Shalini Tai Moghe (1914 - 2011) was an eminent educationist and a selfless dedicated social worker. Popularly known as 'Tai', she was a pioneer in child education and women welfare and rendered relentless services for their upliftment through her entire life.
She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Karachi, completed a Diploma in Montessori Education and advanced training in Juvenile Court and Child Welfare. With her father, Tatya Sarwate, she formed an association and registered it under the name of Bal Niketan Sangh. This seed sown by Smt. Moghe has over the years blossomed into a philanthropic organization, supporting a wide range of child and women welfare activities.
In 1953, Smt. Moghe opened a Balwadi in the Sweepers' colony, overcoming violent opposition. She was nominated as member of the M.P. State Welfare Board in 1957 and placed in charge of the two districts, Jhabua and West Nimar, having predominantly Adivasi population. This gave her an opportunity and a new field for welfare work in rural and Adivasi areas. Apart from Balwadis, Smt. Moghe's programme of child development includes immunization and nutrition, training of mothers and holding various workshops. For development of women, she designed training courses, toy-making and manufacturing educational equipments as a means of employment to needy women.
She was never short of innovative ideas pertaining to children's creativity and also the need to impart to them wider social consciousness. In 1971, she opened a unique Toy Library where educational, scientific, mechanical and constructive toys were made available to children up to 10 years of age. A massive tree-plantation programme was adopted in 1979 by channeling students' energies for social-forestry under the motto of 'One boy one tree'. Shalini Tai has brought about a great change and impacted many lives through her relentless work. Her knowledge and expertise in the field of child development has been recognised by educationists as well as the government. She was appointed as a member of the task force constituted under the Chairmanship of Miss Sulabha Panandikar, a member of the Kothari Education Commission, to prepare a draft report in regard to pre-School Education. She was also a member of the Committee constituted by the Union Education Ministry in 1979 to prepare a scheme for "Early Childhood Education". The scheme is presently being implemented in all States.
For the major part of her life, she worked in an honorary capacity; whenever she received any remuneration, she donated it to Bal Niketan Sangh. Smt. Moghe has been a source of guidance and inspiration to the younger generation of social workers. She has created a large band of trained and dedicated workers who have been a great source of strength to social welfare activities in Madhya Pradesh.
Awards and Recognition:
- Honoured by the Government of India with the civilian award of Padma Shri in 1968 for her outstanding contribution to Education and Social work.
- Awarded for her work in Child Education by Gyani Zail Singh in the year 1985.
- Felicitated for her contribution in the field of Women and Child Development by the Ministry of Human Resource Development in the year 1987.
- Received the Jamnalal Bajaj Award in 1992 for Outstanding Contribution in Development and Welfare of Women and Children and/or Gandhian Constructive Work by Women Workers
- Felicitated for teaching/learning, training and nutrition programs of Indore district in the year 1994.
- Conferred with a cash price for One Lac by Indian Merchant Chamber in 2002.
Shalini Tai was selected for the Nai Duniya Nayika Lifetime Achievement Award 2010 in 2009. The Government of Madhya Pradesh declared her as one among 'Pradesh Ki Gauravshali Betiyan' (State's Daughters of Pride) on the State Foundation Day on 1 November 2011 as a part of the Beti Bachao Abhiyan (Save the Daughter Campaign).

Shri Moreshwar Vaman Moghe
Popularly known as "Dada Saheb", Shri Moreshwar Moghe was one of the visionaries of Bal Niketan Sangh and contributed in making it a powerful instrument of social upliftment, wholesome values and awareness. Dada Saheb was a follower of Gandhiji and Vinobaji and translated their vision for education and development.
He completed his BA-LLB from Holkar College, Indore, and served as a Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) or Tehsildar. He was also a Deputy Collector and retired in 1968 to focus his efforts on Bal Niketan Sangh. Dada Saheb loved to teach and was constantly devoting his time and energy to advancing students' potential. He encouraged students to generate ideas, questions and develop their curiosity and creativity.
Dada Saheb believed in 'Simple living, high thinking' and demonstrated that age never comes in the way of one's resolve to serve the society. He whole-heartedly supported and contributed to the initiatives undertaken by his wife, Shalini Tai. Despite being a strict disciplinarian, he was very popular among his students. He would spend hours trying to solve their problems and his happiness lied in the success and achievements of his students.
He served in the adivasi areas of Jobat and established many programmes for their betterment. Despite maintaining a low profile, his relentless dedication to Bal Niketan Sangh is noteworthy. He was a true role model for social workers and epitomised integrity, diligence and generosity. He was one of the pillars of Bal Niketan Sangh.